For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved stickers, planners, washi tapes, paints and more. Growing up, my love for art and stationery has naturally interwoven itself into each stage of my life. And as I get older, I’ve come to appreciate how this childhood passion has given my life structure and peace at the same time.
I use planners to keep my day to day organised, and I lean on journaling for meditation and art for self care. All of these tools over the year has helped me better manage my own personal anxiety, especially when I became a working mother and my entire life flipped upside down. It’s also helped me maintain my own personal sense of self as I balance the tricky journey of work, relationships, motherhood and cherishing my own individualism outside of all these buckets.
Some of the link featured both on my Youtube channel and blog may be affiliate links. If you choose to use them, I will receive a small percentage of the sale of that item, but you won’t pay any extra. However as always, I will only ever feature products and brands I personally love 🙂
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